
米国医者処方 筋骨格系 リハビリ、治療 専門RXシューズZ-CoiL 機能性、医療靴を35年間研究、開発、生産、処方しました。 専門RXシューズZ-CoiLは米国医療保険対象靴です。 米国整形外科医者が足、脚、膝、腰疾患の患者に処方します。 尚、長時間立ち仕事、歩き仕事の人に処方しています。 20年間一千万足以上処方されたリハビリ、治療専門靴です。ホームページ: http://www.zcoil.jp  LINEでお気軽にお問い合わせください。 LINE ID : zcoil

【腰椎椎間板ヘルニア、足底筋膜炎、変形性膝関節症、脊柱管狭窄症】[RXシューズ・Z-CoiL(ジィーコイル)・アメリカ・スプリングシューズ の体験談] - Ashley (アシュリー)

[RXシューズ・Z-CoiL(ジィーコイル)・アメリカ・スプリングシューズ の体験談] - Ashley (アシュリー)


I suffer from lower back pain due to bulging discsand a condition

called spondylolisthesis. I had just graduated from nursingschool and

started working on an orthopedic floor working 12-hour shifts.

I absolutelyloved my job. However, my back started giving me problems and after

only 4hours of work I had to leave because I could no longer stand. I was out of workfor 8 weeks and went through 2 epidural injections with some relief.

I returned to work and was still suffering with pain. I heard about

these shoes and said Iwould give them a try. After all, $215 was a lot cheaper than

not working. Needless to say,

when I wear these shoes to work I have no pain at all!!!!

I have been wearing them for 7 months now,

and have not had to leave work earlydue to pain.

A week ago I decided to wear regular shoes (Nike SHOX) to work just to see if was

really the Z-CoiL shoes helping my pain. After just 9:30 in the morning my back was starting to hurt and I had to put my Z-CoiL shoes back on. That was it for me. I knew without a doubt that it was the shoes helpingthe pain.

The odd-looking shoes are also a great conversation-starter for the patients. I get to

tell them what a great shoe this truly is if you suffer from varioustypes of pain. Many of them purchased them for themselves. I absolutely LOVE them and you will NEVER see me at work without them.

Thank you, Z-CoiL, forletting me continue to be a nurse!


このシューズを履いて働いているうちには全然痛みを感じれなかったんです!!!! 7か月くらい履いているんですが痛みで早退することはもうありません。






私はこのシューズが大好きで、このシューズを履かないで仕事する 様子はこれからもないでしょう。



