
米国医者処方 筋骨格系 リハビリ、治療 専門RXシューズZ-CoiL 機能性、医療靴を35年間研究、開発、生産、処方しました。 専門RXシューズZ-CoiLは米国医療保険対象靴です。 米国整形外科医者が足、脚、膝、腰疾患の患者に処方します。 尚、長時間立ち仕事、歩き仕事の人に処方しています。 20年間一千万足以上処方されたリハビリ、治療専門靴です。ホームページ: http://www.zcoil.jp  LINEでお気軽にお問い合わせください。 LINE ID : zcoil

【腰椎椎間板ヘルニア、変形性膝関節症、脊柱管狭窄症、足底筋膜炎】[RXシューズ・Z-CoiL(ジィーコイル)・アメリカ・スプリングシューズ の体験談] - Amy(エイミさん)


・スプリングシューズ の体験談]


-Amy(エイミ) from Zeeland, MI USA


I have suffered from plantar fasciitis for seven years. There have been times when the only way to get from the bed to the bathroom in the morning was to crawl on my knees.



Last year, I received a cortisone shot in my right heel and felt complete relief, but alas, its effects only lasted a month. I had become more and more sedentary and have really been gaining weight over the last three years because of this issue. I had really started to get depressed because things seemed so hopeless.



I saw a new store open up next to my video store. They were advertising foot pain relief shoes. Then three was an article in the paper about the shoes this store was selling. this piqued my curiosity, so I went in. When I put them on, I was near tears and could hardly talk. The relief was instant.



The foot pain, almost entirely gone, and the hip pain I had developed recently from walking so oddly to accommodate the foot pain was completely gone! I was literally making a whole different set of plans for our summer vacation sitting in the store--one that acutally involves walking and doing something, instead of sitting poolside!!



That night, I took my kids to a carnival and walked around for hours. The next morning there was no flare up from the extra walking that normally would occur.



I cannot tell you what it means to be given hope again that something can be done to relieve pain that was so crippling. Thank you so much. I see more Z-CoiL shoes in my future: a dressy pair, a hiking pair, etc., as I regain my life and all its different activities!!!!



